[gmx-users] Lipids

Derrick Guang Yuh Lee k24dgyl at mun.ca
Tue Sep 14 19:42:25 CEST 2004

Dear GMX-Users

I am currently in attempts to do some simulation work with POPG lipids, if
anyone out there has any experimental data of POPG in any form, it would
be much appreciated if you could send it to me. Thanks in advance.


 - Derrick Lee

 Derrick Guang Yuh Lee
 Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Department of Biochemistry
 Memorial University of Newfoundland
 k24dgyl at mun.ca / derrickglee at hotmail.com

"a teacher is never a giver of truth - he is a guide, a pointer to the
truth that each student must find for himself. a good teacher is merely a
                                                              - bruce lee

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