[gmx-users] g_rms Fatal error: Error: Too many iterations in routine JACOBI

Anthony Cruz acb15885 at uprm.edu
Wed May 25 19:55:46 CEST 2005

I do the gmxcheck and this is the result:

Checking file 1scn_bx_w_fullMD_mv.trr
trn version: GMX_trn_file (single precision)
Reading frame       0 time    0.000
# Atoms  110719
Last frame      10500 time 10500.001

Item        #frames Timestep (ps)
Step         10501    1
Time         10501    1
Lambda       10501    1
Coords       10501    1
Velocities   10501    1
Forces           0
Box          10501    1
Checking coordinate file 1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr
Reading file 1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr, VERSION 3.2.1 (single precision)
Reading file 1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr, VERSION 3.2.1 (single precision)
110719 atoms in file
coordinates found
box         found
velocities  found

Kinetic energy: 411492 (kJ/mol)
Assuming the number of degrees of freedom to be Natoms * 3 or Natoms * 2,
the velocities correspond to a temperature of the system
of 297.996 K or 446.995 K respectively.

Checking for atoms closer than 0.8 and not between 0.4 and 0.7,
relative to sum of Van der Waals distance:
WARNING: masses will be determined based on residue and atom names,
         this can deviate from the real mass of the atom type
In case you use free energy of solvation predictions:

D. Eisenberg and A. D. McLachlan
Solvation energy in protein folding and binding
Nature 319 (1986) pp. 199-203
-------- -------- --- Thank You --- -------- --------

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/aminoacids.dat
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/atommass.dat
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/vdwradii.dat
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/dgsolv.dat
#Entries in atommass.dat: 82 vdwradii.dat: 26 dgsolv.dat: 7
atom# name  residue r_vdw  atom# name  residue r_vdw  distance
   40   CB  PRO   5 0.15      42   CD  PRO   5 0.15   0.2332
   50  CD1  TYR   6 0.15      58   CZ  TYR   6 0.15   0.2369
   52  CD2  TYR   6 0.15      58   CZ  TYR   6 0.15   0.2358
   78   CA  PRO   9 0.15      80   CG  PRO   9 0.15   0.2383
   87   CB  LEU  10 0.15      91    C  LEU  10 0.15   0.2399
  149    C  VAL  16 0.15     153   CA  GLN  17 0.15   0.2398
  190   CG  PHE  21 0.15     195  CE1  PHE  21 0.15   0.2395
  191  CD1  PHE  21 0.15     193  CD2  PHE  21 0.15   0.2393
  193  CD2  PHE  21 0.15     199   CZ  PHE  21 0.15   0.2369
  244    C  VAL  26 0.15     248   CA LYSH  27 0.15   0.2371
  277  CG1  VAL  30 0.15     278  CG2  VAL  30 0.15   0.2398
  302   CB  THR  33 0.15     306    C  THR  33 0.15   0.2383
  352   CG HISB  39 0.15     355  CE1 HISB  39 0.15   0.2174
  354  CD2 HISB  39 0.15     355  CE1 HISB  39 0.15   0.2169
  361   CA  PRO  40 0.15     364   CD  PRO  40 0.15   0.2395
  362   CB  PRO  40 0.15     364   CD  PRO  40 0.15   0.2387
  383    C  LEU  42 0.15     387   CA  ASN  43 0.15   0.2391
  440   CG  PHE  50 0.15     447  CE2  PHE  50 0.15   0.2371
  441  CD1  PHE  50 0.15     449   CZ  PHE  50 0.15   0.2331
  443  CD2  PHE  50 0.15     449   CZ  PHE  50 0.15   0.2371
  459    C  VAL  51 0.15     463   CA  ALA  52 0.15   0.2376
  492   CG  TYR  56 0.15     497  CE1  TYR  56 0.15   0.2334
  492   CG  TYR  56 0.15     499  CE2  TYR  56 0.15   0.2398
  497  CE1  TYR  56 0.15     499  CE2  TYR  56 0.15   0.2375
  558   CA HISA  63 0.15     560   CG HISA  63 0.15   0.2398
  560   CG HISA  63 0.15     564  CE1 HISA  63 0.15   0.212
  563  CD2 HISA  63 0.15     564  CE1 HISA  63 0.15   0.2126
  586   CG HISB  66 0.15     589  CE1 HISB  66 0.15   0.2163
  588  CD2 HISB  66 0.15     589  CE1 HISB  66 0.15   0.2109
  692    C  GLY  79 0.15     696   CA  VAL  80 0.15   0.2391
  698  CG1  VAL  80 0.15     699  CG2  VAL  80 0.15   0.2384
  732   CB  PRO  85 0.15     734   CD  PRO  85 0.15   0.2341
  751    C  VAL  87 0.15     755   CA  SER  88 0.15   0.2397
  775  CD1  TYR  90 0.15     783   CZ  TYR  90 0.15   0.2391
  777  CD2  TYR  90 0.15     783   CZ  TYR  90 0.15   0.2398
  817   CA  VAL  94 0.15     819  CG1  VAL  94 0.15   0.2397
  890  CD1  TYR 103 0.15     892  CD2  TYR 103 0.15   0.2384
  894  CE1  TYR 103 0.15     896  CE2  TYR 103 0.15   0.2346
  929  CG1  VAL 107 0.15     930  CG2  VAL 107 0.15   0.2398
  969   CG  TRP 112 0.15     975  CE2  TRP 112 0.15   0.2231
  970  CD1  TRP 112 0.15     972  CD2  TRP 112 0.15   0.2171
  970  CD1  TRP 112 0.15     975  CE2  TRP 112 0.15   0.2157
  975  CE2  TRP 112 0.15     976  CE3  TRP 112 0.15   0.2367
  978  CZ2  TRP 112 0.15     980  CZ3  TRP 112 0.15   0.2378
 1079    C  MET 123 0.15    1083   CA  SER 124 0.15   0.2396
 1094  CD1  LEU 125 0.15    1095  CD2  LEU 125 0.15   0.239
 1216    C  ASN 140 0.15    1220   CA  ALA 141 0.15   0.2389
 1228   CG  TYR 142 0.15    1233  CE1  TYR 142 0.15   0.2379
 1229  CD1  TYR 142 0.15    1231  CD2  TYR 142 0.15   0.2377
 1233  CE1  TYR 142 0.15    1235  CE2  TYR 142 0.15   0.2356
 1251   CB  ARG 144 0.15    1263    C  ARG 144 0.15   0.2347
 1347    C  GLY 156 0.15    1351   CA  ASN 157 0.15   0.2398
 1428   CG  TYR 166 0.15    1433  CE1  TYR 166 0.15   0.238
 1428   CG  TYR 166 0.15    1435  CE2  TYR 166 0.15   0.2363
 1443   CA  PRO 167 0.15    1446   CD  PRO 167 0.15   0.2391
 1473  CD1  TYR 170 0.15    1475  CD2  TYR 170 0.15   0.237
 1473  CD1  TYR 170 0.15    1481   CZ  TYR 170 0.15   0.2383
 1477  CE1  TYR 170 0.15    1479  CE2  TYR 170 0.15   0.2392
 1530  CG1  VAL 176 0.15    1531  CG2  VAL 176 0.15   0.2373
 1635   CG  PHE 188 0.15    1640  CE1  PHE 188 0.15   0.2336
 1635   CG  PHE 188 0.15    1642  CE2  PHE 188 0.15   0.2393
 1640  CE1  PHE 188 0.15    1642  CE2  PHE 188 0.15   0.2399
 1686   CB  GLU 194 0.15    1691    C  GLU 194 0.15   0.2396
 1698  CD1  LEU 195 0.15    1699  CD2  LEU 195 0.15   0.2293
 1736   CA  PRO 200 0.15    1738   CG  PRO 200 0.15   0.2346
 1762  CG1  VAL 204 0.15    1763  CG2  VAL 204 0.15   0.2344
 1771  CD1  TYR 205 0.15    1773  CD2  TYR 205 0.15   0.2366
 1775  CE1  TYR 205 0.15    1777  CE2  TYR 205 0.15   0.2391
 1806  CD1  TYR 208 0.15    1808  CD2  TYR 208 0.15   0.2383
 1810  CE1  TYR 208 0.15    1812  CE2  TYR 208 0.15   0.2356
 1859   CG  TYR 213 0.15    1864  CE1  TYR 213 0.15   0.2375
 1860  CD1  TYR 213 0.15    1862  CD2  TYR 213 0.15   0.24
 1862  CD2  TYR 213 0.15    1868   CZ  TYR 213 0.15   0.2396
 1864  CE1  TYR 213 0.15    1866  CE2  TYR 213 0.15   0.2366
 1954   CA  PRO 224 0.15    1957   CD  PRO 224 0.15   0.2351
 1964   CG HISA 225 0.15    1968  CE1 HISA 225 0.15   0.2137
 1967  CD2 HISA 225 0.15    1968  CE1 HISA 225 0.15   0.2127
 2012   CB  LEU 232 0.15    2014  CD1  LEU 232 0.15   0.2396
 2032  CD1  LEU 234 0.15    2033  CD2  LEU 234 0.15   0.2395
 2063  CD2 HISB 237 0.15    2064  CE1 HISB 237 0.15   0.2173
 2070   CA  PRO 238 0.15    2072   CG  PRO 238 0.15   0.2387
 2236   CG  TYR 255 0.15    2243  CE2  TYR 255 0.15   0.2388
 2241  CE1  TYR 255 0.15    2243  CE2  TYR 255 0.15   0.237
 2284   CG  PHE 260 0.15    2289  CE1  PHE 260 0.15   0.2363
 2285  CD1  PHE 260 0.15    2287  CD2  PHE 260 0.15   0.2389
 2287  CD2  PHE 260 0.15    2293   CZ  PHE 260 0.15   0.2339
 2301   CG  TYR 261 0.15    2308  CE2  TYR 261 0.15   0.2389
 2302  CD1  TYR 261 0.15    2310   CZ  TYR 261 0.15   0.2358
 2304  CD2  TYR 261 0.15    2310   CZ  TYR 261 0.15   0.2395
 2319   CG  TYR 262 0.15    2326  CE2  TYR 262 0.15   0.2376
 2324  CE1  TYR 262 0.15    2326  CE2  TYR 262 0.15   0.238

Atoms outside box ( 10.4513 10.4513 10.4513 ):
(These may occur often and are normally not a problem)
atom# name  residue r_vdw  coordinate
 2488   OW  SOL 293 0.105 -0.034   2.79   4.15
 2491   OW  SOL 294 0.105 -0.031   5.54   9.37
 2494   OW  SOL 295 0.105 -0.024   3.92   10.1
 2497   OW  SOL 296 0.105  -0.02   5.24   10.3
 2500   OW  SOL 297 0.105 -0.018   4.16   8.09
 2501  HW1  SOL 297 0.04  -0.027   4.18   8.19
 2503   OW  SOL 298 0.105 -0.018   6.61   5.17
 2506   OW  SOL 299 0.105 -0.016   1.37    7.5
 2509   OW  SOL 300 0.105 -0.015   2.23   9.93
 2511  HW2  SOL 300 0.04  -0.048   2.29     10
(maybe more)-bash-2.05b$ g_rms -f 1scn_bx_w_fullMD_mv.trr -s 
1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr -o
                         :-)  G  R  O  M  A  C  S  (-:

                               Grunge ROck MAChoS

                            :-)  VERSION 3.2.1  (-:

      Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
       Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
             Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team,
            check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.

         This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
          modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
         as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
             of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

                                :-)  g_rms  (-:

Option     Filename  Type         Description
  -s 1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr  Input        Structure+mass(db): tpr tpb
                                   tpa gro g96 pdb xml
  -f 1scn_bx_w_fullMD_mv.trr  Input        Generic trajectory: xtc trr trj
                                   gro g96 pdb
 -f2       traj.xtc  Input, Opt.  Generic trajectory: xtc trr trj gro g96 pdb
  -n      index.ndx  Input, Opt.  Index file
  -o       rmsd.xvg  Output       xvgr/xmgr file
-mir    rmsdmir.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
  -a      avgrp.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
-dist rmsd-dist.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
  -m       rmsd.xpm  Output, Opt. X PixMap compatible matrix file
-bin       rmsd.dat  Output, Opt. Generic data file
 -bm       bond.xpm  Output, Opt. X PixMap compatible matrix file

      Option   Type  Value  Description
      -[no]h   bool     no  Print help info and quit
      -[no]X   bool     no  Use dialog box GUI to edit command line options
       -nice    int     19  Set the nicelevel
          -b   time     -1  First frame (ps) to read from trajectory
          -e   time     -1  Last frame (ps) to read from trajectory
         -dt   time     -1  Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (ps)
         -tu   enum     ps  Time unit: ps, fs, ns, us, ms, s, m or h
      -[no]w   bool     no  View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files
       -what   enum   rmsd  Structural difference measure: rmsd, rho or rhosc
    -[no]pbc   bool    yes  PBC check
        -fit   enum rot+trans  Fit to reference structure: rot+trans,
                            translation or none
       -prev    int      0  Compare with previous frame
  -[no]split   bool     no  Split graph where time is zero
       -skip    int      1  Only write every nr-th frame to matrix
      -skip2    int      1  Only write every nr-th frame to matrix
        -max   real     -1  Maximum level in comparison matrix
        -min   real     -1  Minimum level in comparison matrix
       -bmax   real     -1  Maximum level in bond angle matrix
       -bmin   real     -1  Minimum level in bond angle matrix
    -nlevels    int     80  Number of levels in the matrices

Reading file 1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr, VERSION 3.2.1 (single precision)
Reading file 1scn_bx_w_CL_TPR4fullMD.tpr, VERSION 3.2.1 (single precision)
Select group for least squares fit
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/aminoacids.dat
Group     0 (      System) has 110719 elements
Group     1 (     Protein) has  2433 elements
Group     2 (   Protein-H) has  1920 elements
Group     3 (     C-alpha) has   274 elements
Group     4 (    Backbone) has   822 elements
Group     5 (   MainChain) has  1097 elements
Group     6 (MainChain+Cb) has  1336 elements
Group     7 ( MainChain+H) has  1364 elements
Group     8 (   SideChain) has  1069 elements
Group     9 ( SideChain-H) has   823 elements
Group    10 ( Prot-Masses) has  2433 elements
Group    11 ( Non-Protein) has 108286 elements
Group    12 (          CL) has     4 elements
Group    13 (         HOH) has   423 elements
Group    14 (         SOL) has 107856 elements
Group    15 (          CA) has     2 elements
Group    16 (          NA) has     1 elements
Group    17 (       Other) has 108286 elements
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: 'Protein'
How many groups do you want to compare ? 1
OK. I will compare 1 group
Select group for RMSD calculation
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/aminoacids.dat
Group     0 (      System) has 110719 elements
Group     1 (     Protein) has  2433 elements
Group     2 (   Protein-H) has  1920 elements
Group     3 (     C-alpha) has   274 elements
Group     4 (    Backbone) has   822 elements
Group     5 (   MainChain) has  1097 elements
Group     6 (MainChain+Cb) has  1336 elements
Group     7 ( MainChain+H) has  1364 elements
Group     8 (   SideChain) has  1069 elements
Group     9 ( SideChain-H) has   823 elements
Group    10 ( Prot-Masses) has  2433 elements
Group    11 ( Non-Protein) has 108286 elements
Group    12 (          CL) has     4 elements
Group    13 (         HOH) has   423 elements
Group    14 (         SOL) has 107856 elements
Group    15 (          CA) has     2 elements
Group    16 (          NA) has     1 elements
Group    17 (       Other) has 108286 elements
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: 'Protein'
trn version: GMX_trn_file (single precision)
Reading frame       0 time    0.000   Fatal error: Error: Too many iterations 
in routine JACOBI

How I could resolve the problem???

then I try g_rms:

On Friday 20 May 2005 10:42 am, Anthony Cruz wrote:
> How I could do that???  a new tpr??
> On Friday 20 May 2005 7:53 am, Xavier Periole wrote:
> > Anthony Cruz wrote:
> > >Hi:
> > >I run a MD of a protein in water. when I try to analyse the trajectory
> > > with g_rms the program stop by the following error :
> > >Fatal error: Error: Too many iterations in routine JACOBI
> > >What could be the cause? How I can resolve the problem???
> >
> > That is certainly due to a mismatch between your reference topology and
> > the content of
> > the trajectory ... make an topology that fits the trajectory.
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