[gmx-users] error after mdrun

nur avneet nuravneet at yahoo.co.in
Tue Nov 14 07:06:20 CET 2006

Dear All
 I am new to gromacs...please help me and let me know how to proceed..when i give the mdrun command he terminal displays the following:
 /usr/local/gromacs/bin/mdrun -nice 0 -v -s hyb2b_vac_md.tpr -o hyb2b_vac_md_1ns_traj.trr -c hyb2b_vac_md_1ns.gro -e hyb2b_vac_md_1ns_ener.edr -g hyb2b_vac_md_1ns.log
                          :-)  G  R  O  M  A  C  S  (-:
                                Grunge ROck MAChoS
                             :-)  VERSION 3.3.1  (-:
       Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
        Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
              Copyright (c) 2001-2006, The GROMACS development team,
             check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.
          This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
           modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
          as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
              of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
                      :-)  /usr/local/gromacs/bin/mdrun  (-:
 Option     Filename  Type         Description
   -s hyb2b_vac_md.tpr  Input        Generic run input: tpr tpb tpa xml
   -o hyb2b_vac_md_1ns_traj.trr  Output       Full precision trajectory: trr
   -x       traj.xtc  Output, Opt. Compressed trajectory (portable xdr format)
   -c hyb2b_vac_md_1ns.gro  Output       Generic structure: gro g96 pdb xml
   -e hyb2b_vac_md_1ns_ener.edr  Output       Generic energy: edr ene
   -g hyb2b_vac_md_1ns.log  Output       Log file
 -dgdl      dgdl.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
 -field    field.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
 -table    table.xvg  Input, Opt.  xvgr/xmgr file
 -tablep  tablep.xvg  Input, Opt.  xvgr/xmgr file
 -rerun    rerun.xtc  Input, Opt.  Generic trajectory: xtc trr trj gro g96 pdb
 -tpi        tpi.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
  -ei        sam.edi  Input, Opt.  ED sampling input
  -eo        sam.edo  Output, Opt. ED sampling output
   -j       wham.gct  Input, Opt.  General coupling stuff
  -jo        bam.gct  Output, Opt. General coupling stuff
 -ffout      gct.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
 -devout   deviatie.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
 -runav  runaver.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file
  -pi       pull.ppa  Input, Opt.  Pull parameters
  -po    pullout.ppa  Output, Opt. Pull parameters
  -pd       pull.pdo  Output, Opt. Pull data output
  -pn       pull.ndx  Input, Opt.  Index file
 -mtx         nm.mtx  Output, Opt. Hessian matrix
  -dn     dipole.ndx  Output, Opt. Index file
       Option   Type  Value  Description
       -[no]h   bool     no  Print help info and quit
       -[no]X   bool     no  Use dialog box GUI to edit command line options
        -nice    int      0  Set the nicelevel
      -deffnm string         Set the default filename for all file options
    -[no]xvgr   bool    yes  Add specific codes (legends etc.) in the output
                             xvg files for the xmgrace program
          -np    int      1  Number of nodes, must be the same as used for
          -nt    int      1  Number of threads to start on each node
       -[no]v   bool    yes  Be loud and noisy
 -[no]compact   bool    yes  Write a compact log file
 -[no]sepdvdl   bool     no  Write separate V and dVdl terms for each
                             interaction type and node to the log file(s)
   -[no]multi   bool     no  Do multiple simulations in parallel (only with
                             -np > 1)
      -replex    int      0  Attempt replica exchange every # steps
      -reseed    int     -1  Seed for replica exchange, -1 is generate a seed
    -[no]glas   bool     no  Do glass simulation with special long range
  -[no]ionize   bool     no  Do a simulation including the effect of an X-Ray
                             bombardment on your system
 Back Off! I just backed up hyb2b_vac_md_1ns.log to ./#hyb2b_vac_md_1ns.log.1#
 Getting Loaded...
 Reading file hyb2b_vac_md.tpr, VERSION 3.3.1 (single precision)
 Loaded with Money
 starting mdrun 'DRG'
 400000 steps,   1000.0 ps.
 step 156610, will finish at Tue Nov 14 11:36:08 2006
 Step 156619, time 391.547 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max 1.235368 (between atoms 9 and 16) rms 0.131218
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
       7      9   45.3    0.1470   0.1738      0.1470
       9     16   82.0    0.1326   0.2973      0.1330
      10     11   32.8    0.1530   0.1828      0.1530
      16     17   89.9    0.1226   0.1771      0.1230
      16     18   84.2    0.1541   0.2315      0.1530
      18     19   33.7    0.1470   0.1792      0.1470
 Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
 Step 156620, time 391.55 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max 7.148781 (between atoms 9 and 10) rms 0.983396
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
       7      9   88.7    0.1738   0.4815      0.1470
       9     10   92.9    0.1596   1.1979      0.1470
       9     16  128.5    0.2973   0.4633      0.1330
      10     11   87.8    0.1828   0.9363      0.1530
      11     12   35.9    0.1280   0.1537      0.1230
      13     15   32.1    0.1008   0.1164      0.1000
      16     17  109.7    0.1771   0.8290      0.1230
      16     18  156.9    0.2315   0.1646      0.1530
      18     19  102.6    0.1792   0.1550      0.1470
      24     25   31.7    0.1301   0.1346      0.1230
 Back Off! I just backed up step156619.pdb to ./#step156619.pdb.1#
 Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
 step 156620, will finish at Tue Nov 14 11:36:11 2006Warning: 1-4 interaction between 7 and 17 at distance 1.011 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nmThese are ignored for the rest of the simulation
 This usually means your system is exploding,
 if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
 Step 156621, time 391.552 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max 12.247591 (between atoms 9 and 16) rms 1.513366
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
       1      2   39.2    0.1386   0.1675      0.1390
       1      6  113.5    0.1403   0.0654      0.1390
       4      5   33.6    0.1382   0.1725      0.1390
       5      6   96.3    0.1412   0.0713      0.1390
       7      8  114.2    0.1624   0.2766      0.1530
       7      9  153.7    0.4814   0.9763      0.1470
       9     10  138.1    1.1977   0.8364      0.1470
       9     16  109.0    0.4632   1.7619      0.1330
      10     11  131.9    0.9361   0.5693      0.1530
      11     12   80.0    0.1536   0.6929      0.1230
      11     13   86.6    0.1523   0.6955      0.1330
      13     14   94.6    0.1088   0.3135      0.1000
      13     15   63.0    0.1164   0.1204      0.1000
      16     17   89.0    0.8288   0.5757      0.1230
      16     18  151.6    0.1646   0.5035      0.1530
      18     19  134.6    0.1550   0.2206      0.1470
      19     20  106.4    0.1745   0.4050      0.1470
      19     24  108.6    0.1639   0.4129      0.1330
      20     21   33.2    0.1613   0.1457      0.1530
      20     22   55.4    0.1634   0.1288      0.1530
      22     23   30.6    0.1552   0.1755      0.1530
      24     25   65.8    0.1345   0.1296      0.1230
 Back Off! I just backed up step156620.pdb to ./#step156620.pdb.1#
 Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
 Step 156622, time 391.555 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max 156.416000 (between atoms 27 and 28) rms 43.887146
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
       1      2  155.9    0.1679   1.3713      0.1390
       1      6  165.9    0.0656   5.7379      0.1390
       2      3   89.1    0.1437   0.4223      0.1390
       3      4   89.4    0.1416   0.3068      0.1390
       4      5  139.8    0.1730   1.2976      0.1390
       5      6  169.0    0.0715   5.8196      0.1390
       6      7  163.1    0.5102  13.7829      0.1530
       7      8  147.6    0.2774  10.9817      0.1530
       7      9  160.5    0.9791  16.5650      0.1470
       9     10  170.4    0.8388  12.9173      0.1470
       9     16  157.1    1.7670  18.6046      0.1330
      10     11  160.5    0.5710   9.0364      0.1530
      11     12  170.7    0.6950   4.6000      0.1230
      11     13  170.8    0.6975   4.7046      0.1330
      13     14   77.3    0.3144   1.5544      0.1000
      13     15   51.3    0.1208   1.6563      0.1000
      16     17  110.0    0.5774  15.5720      0.1230
      16     18  118.9    0.5049  15.9163      0.1530
      18     19   55.9    0.2213  17.6087      0.1470
      19     20   56.9    0.4062  22.6568      0.1470
      22     23  132.0    0.1760   1.8040      0.1530
      24     26   44.3    0.1084  18.9838      0.1530
      26     27  115.3    0.1651  16.6028      0.1470
      27     28   78.8    0.1540  23.1402      0.1470
      27     36   81.3    0.1423  20.7586      0.1330
      28     29  109.2    0.1587   7.2465      0.1530
      29     30  103.3    0.1536   3.7558      0.1530
      30     31   50.5    0.1524   1.3613      0.1530
      31     32  110.6    0.1476   0.1332      0.1470
      32     33   65.6    0.1002   0.3047      0.1000
      32     34   72.2    0.1003   0.3269      0.1000
      32     35   66.0    0.1002   0.3122      0.1000
      36     37   91.3    0.1264   8.1830      0.1230
      36     38   90.4    0.1562   7.6206      0.1530
      38     39   85.9    0.1482   6.8321      0.1470
      39     40   72.5    0.1476   0.8344      0.1470
      39     48   69.1    0.1337   0.9899      0.1330
      40     41   79.8    0.1535   0.4217      0.1530
      40     42   79.3    0.1535   0.4262      0.1530
      42     43   42.2    0.1394   0.1974      0.1390
      42     47   42.6    0.1394   0.1979      0.1390
      48     49   68.0    0.1234   0.3369      0.1230
      48     50   71.2    0.1535   0.4167      0.1530
      50     51   58.0    0.1475   0.2531      0.1470
 Back Off! I just backed up step156621.pdb to ./#step156621.pdb.1#
 Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
 Step 156623  Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 3.98712 3.98712 3.98712
 Step 156623, time 391.557 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max 3.089954 (between atoms 98 and 100) rms nan
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      61     62   34.3    0.1539   0.1918      0.1530
      70     71   58.7    0.1479   0.2698      0.1470
      96     97   36.3    0.1006   0.0909      0.1000
      96     98   88.0    0.1338   0.3737      0.1330
      98     99   88.8    0.1539   0.3097      0.1530
      98    100   89.2    0.1237   0.5031      0.1230
 Back Off! I just backed up step156622.pdb to ./#step156622.pdb.1#
 Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
 Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3.1
 Source code file: nsgrid.c, line: 220
 Fatal error:
 Number of grid cells is zero. Probably the system and box collapsed.
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