[gmx-users] request for dihedral PMF test system or complete alanine dipeptide topology file
Chris Neale
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Thu Apr 26 01:19:54 CEST 2007
>I'll have to assume you know what you're doing with using impropers to
>calculate PMFs. I've done this using the dihedral restraints code.
>Have you double-checked that? That's the first place I would look.
Many thanks for your thoughtful reply.
I have included my .top file. The relevant section is in [ dihedral_restraints ]
This file is a template that I use like this:
sed 's/PHI/${phi_value}/' template.top | sed 's/PSI/${psi_value}/' > phi${phi_value}_psi${psi_value}.top
I read in the gromacs manual 3.3 page 53 "Note that, since it is harmonic, periodicity is not taken into account,
so it is best to define improper dihedrals to have a E0 as far away from ±180deg as you can manage."
However, I have not heeded this advice for two reasons. First is entirely practical: there is only one reaction coordinate
and so there can only be one dihedral definition e.g. Phi: C'(i-1)-N(i)-CA(i)-C'(i) could be complimented by H(i)-N(i)-CA(i)-C'(i)
with a E0 modified appropriately, but that would not be exact unless the relevant angles were totally constrained
(as is known for g_chi vs. g_rama). The second reason is that it doesn't quite make sense to me. It seems to me that what is
actually required is that (E-E0) is always far from +/-180deg and not that E0 itself is far away from 180deg. If this is where I have
gone wrong then how have you dealt with my concern regarding a strict definition of a reaction coordinate?
$cat template.top
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "/home/cneale/gromacs/top/ffoplsaa.itp"
; Add these in order that ACE - ALA - NAC works properly
[ dihedraltypes ]
; i j k l func coefficients
CT C N CT_2 3 30.28798 -4.81160 -25.47638 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; peptide - V1 changed to 2.3
CT_2 C N CT 3 30.28798 -4.81160 -25.47638 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; peptide - V1 changed to 2.3
; Include topologies
#include "/home/cneale/gromacs/proteintop/dialanine.itp"
[ dihedral_restraints ]
; ai aj ak al type label phi dphi kfac power
; phi C'(n-1) - N - CA - C'
5 7 9 15 1 1 PHI 0 1 2
; psi N - CA - C' - N(n+1)
7 9 15 17 1 1 PSI 0 1 2
#include "/home/cneale/gromacs/top/tip4p.itp"
; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
; i funct fcx fcy fcz
1 1 1000 1000 1000
[ system ]
; Name
alanine dipeptide solvated in TIP4p water
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
dialanine 1
SOL 869
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