[gmx-users] Need basic install help please

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Fri Feb 9 07:36:32 CET 2007

Russell Green wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance of Linux...but after remembering I did the standard 
> install I went searching for /usr/local/ and gromacs is definitely in 
> there. I typed the "which mdrun" and I just got some no-result message. 
> So if the paths are my problem...do I just edit the .bash_profile in the 
> home/russell/ directy as I have it?

If gromacs is in /usr/local/gromacs, then you want to use 'source 
/usr/local/gromacs/bin/GMXRC' in your .bash_profile. If that doesn't 
work, cd to /usr/local and do 'find * -name "GMXRC"' to find where it is.


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