[gmx-users] antechamber installation
Francesco Pietra
chiendarret at yahoo.com
Sat May 19 09:00:56 CEST 2007
Is it a script equivalent to .cshrc (as in antechamber
web page) available for bash? I am unfamiliar with
While the 64bit machine (Linux Debian amd64 etch
dual-core opterons) were to run gromacs is busy, I
want to try to install antechamber on a 32bit machine
(Linux debian i386 etch Athlon single processor) well
equipped for graphics, OpenGL etc.
At any event, I would prefer to have antechamber on
the 32bit because I refrain installing the X system on
the 64bit machine. The two machines "talk" with one
another through ssh, and it is possible to install the
ROOT package for monitoring.
francesco pietra
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