[gmx-users] installation error

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Thu Nov 8 02:35:29 CET 2007

pragya chohan wrote:
> hi
> I had installed make_hole utility earlier but when i tried to run:
> make_hole.pl -f box_popc.pdb -o hole_popc.pdb -r 9.0 -lipat P8 -lipid POPC -cx 51.5 -cy 51.8
> I get :
> bash: make_hole.pl: command not found.

So make-hole.pl, or something in its shebang line is probably not in 
your path.

> I tried reinstalling it by ./configure which completed successfully but when i ran make command i get the following error:

This is the output from configuring GROMACS, not make_hole.pl....

In any case, you should do "make distclean" between runs of configure 
with different settings, and/or system configuration.


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