[gmx-users] Re: problem with icc compiler
Thomas Schlesier
schlesi at uni-mainz.de
Thu Mar 11 16:42:45 CET 2010
@ Erik:
Have you also tried the nose-hoover thermostat? Because with it the
problem vanishes for me (even if i use pme).
> Hi,
> I have reported this problem to Bugzilla some months ago:
> http://bugzilla.gromacs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=378
> I don't exactly know what the problem is, but it is definitely related
> to the MKL FFTs, which can be seen by switching from PME to cutoff, and
> the problem should go away.
> I have reproduced this behavior on several computers, as I have written
> in the bugzilla report.
> / Erik Brandt
> tor 2010-03-11 klockan 01:34 +0100 skrev Mark Abraham:
>> On 11/03/2010 3:04 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:
>>> Gromacs was compiled on a xeon (woodcrest). for the simulations i used
>>> an old xeon (don't know what chip, but also 64bit system) and a i7.
>> Well, don't do that. IMO, dynamic linking should work in that kind of
>> scenario, but something is clearly broken.
>>> About static / dynamic libraries:
>>> I used there default settings. At the end of the configure command it
>>> tells me the following:
>>> * On most platforms you can save 10X space with dynamic libraries,
>>> although the binaries might be less portable. Why not try --enable-shared?
>>> So i think the libraries are static.
>> Your internal GROMACS linking is static, which you could change with
>> --enable-shared. You will need to kick the linker harder than that to
>> force it to link statically to system libraries also.
>>> I tried Mark's suggestion and compiled a new version, where i change
>>> '--with-fft=mkl' with '--enable-fft=fftpack' (the restr of the configure
>>> command was the same then before). With that, the error didn't appear.
>>> Does that mean that the linking to mkl did not work for mdrun, but
>>> worked for mdrun_mpi (because there the temperature was right)?
>> Yep, that is strong evidence for my hypothesis. Either compile GROMACS
>> on the target execution system (even submit a cluster job for the
>> compilation!), or (if the former doesn't work) get the MKL documentation
>> and read it about how to enforce static linking. There may be some
>> cunning linker option for that, or you may need to explicitly cite the
>> static versions of the libraries. Or, get FFTW installed and link to
>> that. I have found near-negligible performance differences between MKL
>> and FFTW on my machine.
>>> One thing for the temperature jump:
>>> Temperature starts at around 300 K (from 'gen_temp') then goes in 1-2ps
>>> up to around 425 K and then stays there. the simulation was 100ps long,
>>> in the end i had an average value of about 425 K (from log file).
>>> Here are the first 20ps from g_energy
>>> 0.000000 305.240509
>>> 1.000000 381.614166
>>> 2.000000 410.572906
>>> 3.000000 434.954956
>>> 4.000000 414.660400
>>> 5.000000 394.799591
>>> 6.000000 389.087128
>>> 7.000000 414.893982
>>> 8.000000 449.444183
>>> 9.000000 417.877472
>>> 10.000000 442.470306
>>> 11.000001 446.170258
>>> 12.000001 448.844666
>>> 13.000001 412.847473
>>> 14.000001 454.549744
>>> 15.000001 447.908478
>>> 16.000000 404.607422
>>> 17.000000 404.629944
>>> 18.000000 441.559448
>>> 19.000000 396.328400
>>> 20.000000 421.386017
>> That's broken all right!
>> Mark
>>> and:
>>> Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift Tot-Drift
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Temperature 424.625 21.7645 21.6696 0.0703201 7.03215
>>>> On 10/03/2010 12:21 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:
>>>>> Could anybody reproduce that error or has an idea what is happening?
>>>>> Or i am alone with that problem?
>>>> Nothing looks obviously wrong, but it's hard to be sure in the absence
>>>> of information about your hardware. The most likely issue is some kind
>>>> of dynamically-linked library mismatch. This can happen if your
>>>> execution environment differs from your linking environment. Try forcing
>>>> linking to static versions of the libraries, which will prevent this.
>>>> Also try disabling things until you get sensible behaviour in all cases,
>>>> like --enable-fft=fftpack. That would reveal that the problem was with
>>>> linking to mkl.
>>>> Also 1-2ps is a bit too short to expect convergence of temperature -
>>>> check the plot of T against t with g_energy.
>>>> Mark
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 23:11:45 +0100
>>>>>> From: Thomas Schlesier <schlesi at uni-mainz.de>
>>>>>> Subject: [gmx-users] problem with icc compiler
>>>>>> To: "gmx-users at gromacs.org" <gmx-users at gromacs.org>
>>>>>> Message-ID: <4B9181A1.7060106 at uni-mainz.de>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; format=flowed
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> i observed the following problem. if i simulate water (spc or tip4p)
>>>>>> with gromacs 4.0.5 i get with v-rescale or berendsen thermostat the
>>>>>> wrong temperature (ref_t = 300K -> average around 425K, in about
>>>>>> 1-2ps),
>>>>>> but only in serial, not in parallel runs.
>>>>>> non-water molecules or nose-hoover thermostat make no problems.
>>>>>> see also
>>>>>> http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2010-March/049248.html
>>>>>> for mdp and log file.
>>>>>> gromacs was compiled with the following comands:
>>>>>> and in the file 'configure' all '-lmkl' were deleted (don't ask me why,
>>>>>> i don't really understand that stuff, the command were from our
>>>>>> previous
>>>>>> phd student).
>>>>>> ./configure CC="icc"
>>>>>> CPPFLAGS="-I/share/apps/intel/mkl/10.0.011/include"
>>>>>> LDFLAGS="-L/share/apps/intel/mkl/10.0.011/lib/em64t
>>>>>> -lmkl_solver_lp64_sequential -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64
>>>>>> -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -lpthread" --with-fft=mkl
>>>>>> --prefix="/share/apps/gromacs/4.0.5"
>>>>>> make
>>>>>> make install
>>>>>> make clean
>>>>>> ./configure CC="icc"
>>>>>> CPPFLAGS="-I/share/apps/intel/mkl/10.0.011/include"
>>>>>> LDFLAGS="-L/share/apps/intel/mkl/10.0.011/lib/em64t
>>>>>> -lmkl_solver_lp64_sequential -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64
>>>>>> -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -lpthread" --with-fft=mkl
>>>>>> --prefix="/share/apps/gromacs/4.0.5" --enable-mpi --disable-nice
>>>>>> --program-suffix=_mpi
>>>>>> make mdrun
>>>>>> make install-mdrun
>>>>>> for gromacs 4.0.5 i used the icc 9.1.046 compiler.
>>>>>> i also tried gromacs 4.0.7 with icc 9.1.046 and icc 10.1.008 with spc
>>>>>> water, v-rescale thermostat.
>>>>>> -> serial: too high temperature 425K iso 300K
>>>>>> -> parallel: no problems
>>>>>> with non-water (mesitylene) i have no problem in serial.
>>>>>> the problem does not come from grompp because i can use same tpr-file
>>>>>> for serial and parallel runs with the above results.
>>>>>> if someone needs more informations about this please tell me.
>>>>>> greetings
>>>>>> thomas
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