[gmx-users] a question about ensemble

Dommert Florian dommert at icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu May 3 11:22:04 CEST 2012

On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 10:48 +0200, francesco oteri wrote:
> Hello,
> 2012/5/3 Dommert Florian <dommert at icp.uni-stuttgart.de>
>         On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
>         > hello:
>         >
>         >   I wondering are the three thermostat methods: Langevin,
>         Berendsen
>         > and Nose-Hoover chain are all compatible with semi-isotropy
>         coupling
>         > style? If I would like to use semi-isotropy coupling method,
>         which one
>         > would be better?
>         >
>         > thank you very much
>         >
>         Hi,
>         what should be coupled in a semi-isotropic manner ? I assume
>         the
>         pressure and now the question is, which thermostat to apply,
>         isn't it?
>         The three mentioned barostats are all of different kinds.
>         While Langevin
>         provides a thermostating method for implicit solvent, the
>         other
>         mentioned Thermostats are based on an explicit atom
>         description of the
>         system. However, the Berendsen thermostat quite old and not
>         symplectic, 
> I remark that Langevin method is used also for explicit water system! 

But there a big question arises to me. The thermostatting by Langevin is
achieved due to random kicks. If I simulate all atoms explicitly, there
is only vacuum between the atoms. Where do the random kicks come from
and how do I set gamma, which is actually related to the viscosity of
the medium I am simulating in? If my medium is vacuum, then gamma should
be zero, shouldn't it, and gamma=0 means no coupling, and hence,
Newton's equation of motion are recovered. 

I am not an expert with the Langevin thermostat, so this are serious
questions that arise to me now. Furthermore I also thought, that
Langevin dynamics were exactly established for a description of a system
within a medium.


>         which means that the phase space volume is not conserved.
>         Fortunately,
>         an updated method, the v-rescale thermostat of Bussi et al,
>         has been
>         published some years ago. It is quite similar to the Berendsen
>         thermostat, but symplectic and suitable for production and
>         equilibration. Finally the Nose-Hoover chain (NHC) is based on
>         a
>         extended Lagrangian for the system you want to simulate and
>         corresponding equations of motions are applied in order to
>         keep the
>         temperature constant. NHC is symplectic, too, but not suitable
>         for
>         equilibration. However, as the only reasonable method for
>         anisotropic
>         pressure coupling is the Parrinello-Rahman (PR) barostat, or
>         its
>         extended version MTTK, which relies on the same idea as NHC, I
>         would
>         assume, that for production a combination of NHC and MTTK is a
>         good
>         choice. For the equilibration I would use a v-rescale
>         thermostat and the
>         Berendsen barostat, because PR and MTTK would take far too
>         much time to
>         achieve equilibrium.
>         Hence, it much depends on the purpose, which combination of
>         thermo- and
>         barostat is the most suitable one.
>         /Flo
> Anyway, I think that there is no strict coupling between temperature
> and pressure coupling:
> You need to keep the tempaerature fixed around a value and the same
> for pressure, so
> I guess any combination v-rescale, NHC, Langevin versus PR or MTTK is,
> in priciple, right.
> Maybe convergence speed changes, but in this case banchmark are quite
> useful very welcolme!
> best,
> Francesco
>         > best
>         > Albert
>         > --
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>         Florian Dommert
>         Dipl. - Phys.
>         Institute for Computational Physics
>         University Stuttgart
>         Pfaffenwaldring 27
>         70569 Stuttgart
>         EMail: dommert at icp.uni-stuttgart.de
>         Homepage: http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Florian_Dommert
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> Cordiali saluti, Dr.Oteri Francesco 
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Florian Dommert
Dipl. - Phys.

Institute for Computational Physics
University Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 27
70569 Stuttgart

EMail: dommert at icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Homepage: http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Florian_Dommert

Tel.: +49 - (0)711 - 68563613
Fax.: +49 - (0)711 - 68563658
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