[gmx-users] Wall potential for a membrane simulation
Marianne Schulte
Marianne.Schulte at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Nov 4 12:29:14 CET 2013
I would like to
simulate a membrane system with two walls, one at the bottom of my box
at z=0 and one at the top, using the gromos53a6 forcefield (GROMACS
version 4.5.5).
My testing system consists of a membrane in the
middle, water and sodium ions (40xNa+) above the membrane and water and
chloride ions (40 Cl-) beneath it.
First, I built up the system, did
an energy minimization and then implemented the walls for the
npt-equilibration. I didn't change anything in the topology. (Do I have
to define the wall-atom-type there?If yes, what exactly do I have to put
in the topology?)
The interesting part of my nvt.mdp file looks like that:
nwall = 2
wall_type = 10-4
wall_density = 100
wall_atomtype = C C
wall_r_linpot = 1 1 ;
with -1 I got a fatal error, because atoms were beyond the wall
wall_ewald_zfac = 3
ewald_geometry= 3dc
pbc = xy ; Periodic
Boundary Conditions in x/y direction
What I see in VMD is the following: as expected some NA-ions are
going through the membrane to reach the chloride/water side. But at the
same time water molecules (and one chloride-ion) at both sides disappear
in z-direction and never come back. In the first 10ps (with a tiny time
step of 0.1fs) there were only a few molecules that went outside the
box, but after 10 ps it increased dramatically and at some point the
equilibration crashed.
I already played around with time-steps,
atom-types and the density, but couldn't find anything that works to
keep the molecules inside the box...
Anyone has an idea what I
did wrong and how I can correct it? Unfortunately there is not much
about that in the manual and I could not find anything that really
helped me in the mailing-list archive....
Thanks in advance!!!
Marianne Schulte
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