[gmx-users] make install creating infinite recursive directories: addendum

Harry Mark Greenblatt harry.greenblatt at weizmann.ac.il
Sun Apr 27 10:49:41 CEST 2014


Dear All,

 It seems the problem of creating recursive .../share/gromacs/ directories during the "make install" step occurs only when the target install directory is the original un-tarred directory.

Thus, if the tar file is unpacked in /opt, and so generates, for example, /opt/gromacs-4.6.5, and this directory is specified as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, the problem arises.

If, however, one specifies a different directory for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, such as /opt/gromacs465, the "make install" step has no problem.

I don't know if this what the developers intended, but this was not an issue in 4.5.x.



Harry M. Greenblatt

Associate Staff Scientist

Dept of Structural Biology           Harry.Greenblatt at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:arry.Greenblatt at weizmann.ac.il>

Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625

234 Herzl St.                        Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159

Rehovot, 76100


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