[gmx-users] adding an acid as n-terminus

Velia Minicozzi velia.minicozzi at roma2.infn.it
Thu Nov 13 11:45:53 CET 2014

Dear gmx-users,

we want to simulate a peptide which starts with an acidic terminus.
We used PRODRG to compute the coordinates and the FF for this new
residue and we followed all the gromacs instructions to insert a new

Following the instructions, we inserted the new residue in the 
gromos43a1ff rtp file and
we changed the hdb file accordingly.
Pdb2gmx give us the following error that we do not understand.

What else should we change?

We add to the email the pdbfile and the itp file computed by PRODRG

pdb2gmx -f provapept2.pdb -o provapept2.gro -p topol2.top -ignh -ter

Fatal error:
Residue 2 named ACI of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom C used in
that entry is not found in the input file. Perhaps your atom
and/or residue naming needs to be fixed.


Velia Minicozzi

Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Fisica
via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, I-00133 ROMA, Italy
Tel. +39.06.7259.4440    Fax  +39.06.2023.507
Email: minicozzi at roma2.infn.it

-------------- next part --------------
;       This file was generated by PRODRG version AA100323.0717
;       PRODRG written/copyrighted by Daan van Aalten
;       and Alexander Schuettelkopf
;       Questions/comments to dava at davapc1.bioch.dundee.ac.uk
;       When using this software in a publication, cite:
;       A. W. Schuettelkopf and D. M. F. van Aalten (2004).
;       PRODRG - a tool for high-throughput crystallography
;       of protein-ligand complexes.
;       Acta Crystallogr. D60, 1355--1363.

[ moleculetype ]
; Name nrexcl
DRG      3

[ atoms ]
;   nr      type  resnr resid  atom  cgnr   charge     mass
     1         O     1  DRG     OAA     1   -0.683  15.9994   
     2         C     1  DRG     CAC     1    0.371  13.0190   
     3         C     1  DRG     CAI     1   -0.018  12.0110   
     4       CR1     1  DRG     CAG     1   -0.006  12.0110   
     5        HC     1  DRG     HAG     1    0.027   1.0080   
     6         C     1  DRG     CAH     1   -0.019  12.0110   
     7        BR     1  DRG     IAB     1    0.307 126.9045   
     8       CR1     1  DRG     CAE     1   -0.006  12.0110   
     9        HC     1  DRG     HAE     1    0.027   1.0080   
    10       CR1     1  DRG     CAD     2   -0.012  12.0110   
    11        HC     1  DRG     HAD     2    0.012   1.0080   
    12       CR1     1  DRG     CAF     3   -0.012  12.0110   
    13        HC     1  DRG     HAF     3    0.012   1.0080   

[ bonds ]
; ai  aj  fu    c0, c1, ...
   2   1   2    0.123  16600000.0    0.123  16600000.0 ;   CAC  OAA   
   3   2   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAI  CAC   
   3   4   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAI  CAG   
   3  12   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAI  CAF   
   4   5   2    0.109  12300000.0    0.109  12300000.0 ;   CAG  HAG   
   6   4   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAH  CAG   
   6   7   2    0.209   2928800.0    0.209   2928800.0 ;   CAH  IAB   
   6   8   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAH  CAE   
   8   9   2    0.109  12300000.0    0.109  12300000.0 ;   CAE  HAE   
   8  10   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAE  CAD   
  10  11   2    0.109  12300000.0    0.109  12300000.0 ;   CAD  HAD   
  10  12   2    0.139  10800000.0    0.139  10800000.0 ;   CAD  CAF   
  12  13   2    0.109  12300000.0    0.109  12300000.0 ;   CAF  HAF   

[ pairs ]
; ai  aj  fu    c0, c1, ...
   1   4   1                                           ;   OAA  CAG   
   1  12   1                                           ;   OAA  CAF   
   2   5   1                                           ;   CAC  HAG   
   2   6   1                                           ;   CAC  CAH   
   2  10   1                                           ;   CAC  CAD   
   2  13   1                                           ;   CAC  HAF   
   3   7   1                                           ;   CAI  IAB   
   3   8   1                                           ;   CAI  CAE   
   3  11   1                                           ;   CAI  HAD   
   4   9   1                                           ;   CAG  HAE   
   4  10   1                                           ;   CAG  CAD   
   4  13   1                                           ;   CAG  HAF   
   5   7   1                                           ;   HAG  IAB   
   5   8   1                                           ;   HAG  CAE   
   5  12   1                                           ;   HAG  CAF   
   6  11   1                                           ;   CAH  HAD   
   6  12   1                                           ;   CAH  CAF   
   7   9   1                                           ;   IAB  HAE   
   7  10   1                                           ;   IAB  CAD   
   8  13   1                                           ;   CAE  HAF   
   9  11   1                                           ;   HAE  HAD   
   9  12   1                                           ;   HAE  CAF   
  11  13   1                                           ;   HAD  HAF   

[ angles ]
; ai  aj  ak  fu    c0, c1, ...
   1   2   3   2    121.0       685.0    121.0       685.0 ;   OAA  CAC  CAI   
   2   3   4   2    120.0       560.0    120.0       560.0 ;   CAC  CAI  CAG   
   2   3  12   2    120.0       560.0    120.0       560.0 ;   CAC  CAI  CAF   
   4   3  12   2    120.0       560.0    120.0       560.0 ;   CAG  CAI  CAF   
   3   4   5   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAI  CAG  HAG   
   3   4   6   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAI  CAG  CAH   
   5   4   6   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   HAG  CAG  CAH   
   4   6   7   2    120.0       560.0    120.0       560.0 ;   CAG  CAH  IAB   
   4   6   8   2    120.0       560.0    120.0       560.0 ;   CAG  CAH  CAE   
   7   6   8   2    120.0       560.0    120.0       560.0 ;   IAB  CAH  CAE   
   6   8   9   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAH  CAE  HAE   
   6   8  10   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAH  CAE  CAD   
   9   8  10   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   HAE  CAE  CAD   
   8  10  11   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAE  CAD  HAD   
   8  10  12   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAE  CAD  CAF   
  11  10  12   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   HAD  CAD  CAF   
   3  12  10   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAI  CAF  CAD   
   3  12  13   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAI  CAF  HAF   
  10  12  13   2    120.0       505.0    120.0       505.0 ;   CAD  CAF  HAF   

[ dihedrals ]
; ai  aj  ak  al  fu    c0, c1, m, ...
   3   2  12   4   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAI  CAC  CAF  CAG   
   4   3   6   5   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAG  CAI  CAH  HAG   
   6   8   7   4   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAH  CAE  IAB  CAG   
   8   6  10   9   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAE  CAH  CAD  HAE   
  10   8  12  11   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAD  CAE  CAF  HAD   
  12   3  10  13   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAF  CAI  CAD  HAF   
   3   4   6   8   2      0.0  209.3        0.0  209.3   ; imp   CAI  CAG  CAH  CAE   
   4   6   8  10   2      0.0  209.3        0.0  209.3   ; imp   CAG  CAH  CAE  CAD   
   6   8  10  12   2      0.0  209.3        0.0  209.3   ; imp   CAH  CAE  CAD  CAF   
   8  10  12   3   2      0.0  209.3        0.0  209.3   ; imp   CAE  CAD  CAF  CAI   
  10  12   3   4   2      0.0  209.3        0.0  209.3   ; imp   CAD  CAF  CAI  CAG   
  12   3   4   6   2      0.0  209.3        0.0  209.3   ; imp   CAF  CAI  CAG  CAH   
  12   3   2   1   1    180.0    5.9 2    180.0    5.9 2 ; dih   CAF  CAI  CAC  OAA   

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