[gmx-users] Pres-XX and Pres-YY difference

Johnny Lu johnny.lu128 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 17:38:48 CEST 2014

Sorry, my bad. May be those differences in pressures was normal fluctuation
of pressure.
After waiting for a while, I ran g_energy to get the pressures again.

Parinello Rahman
Statistics over 33869001 steps [ 0.0000 through 33869.0000 ps ], 10 data
All statistics are over 338691 points

Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
Pressure                    0.82307       0.17    156.886   0.336604  (bar)
Pres-XX                     1.28456       0.24    222.754    1.56681  (bar)
Pres-XY                   -0.171331       0.31    138.127    2.19114  (bar)
Pres-XZ                   -0.230648       0.36    137.731    1.24648  (bar)
Pres-YX                    -0.20907        0.3    138.123    2.18304  (bar)
Pres-YY                    0.854579       0.28      225.2    1.20945  (bar)
Pres-YZ                    -0.14902        0.1    138.921   0.238693  (bar)
Pres-ZX                   -0.271166       0.36    137.719    1.29285  (bar)
Pres-ZY                   -0.225707       0.11    138.919   0.304902  (bar)
Pres-ZZ                    0.330073       0.57    222.786   -1.76645  (bar)

Statistics over 23635301 steps [ 0.0000 through 47270.6000 ps ], 10 data
All statistics are over 236354 points
Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
Pressure                    1.11418       0.39     140.31    1.76386  (bar)
Pres-XX                     1.00041       0.72    212.365    1.26091  (bar)
Pres-XY                  -0.0733808       0.39    138.148   -1.94821  (bar)
Pres-XZ                  -0.0559881       0.23    138.047   0.135325  (bar)
Pres-YX                  -0.0785166       0.39    138.148   -1.99506  (bar)
Pres-YY                     1.52045       0.42     212.52     0.2362  (bar)
Pres-YZ                    0.142665        0.6    137.845     -1.995  (bar)
Pres-ZX                  -0.0616126       0.23    138.045   0.141702  (bar)
Pres-ZY                    0.135693        0.6    137.843   -1.95285  (bar)
Pres-ZZ                    0.821679       0.59    212.735    3.79446  (bar)

After that, I ran fourier transform on the pressure to check for
oscillations in the Pres-XX, Press-YY, and Pres-ZZ.

The Parinello-Rahman simulation has a peak of about 1 bar above baseline in
XX, but not YY or ZZ directions.

In the Berendsen simulation, the XX spectrum was similarly taller than the
YY and ZZ spectrum, despite Box-X and Box-Y has the same length.

Parinello-Rahman box dimension:
Statistics over 34000001 steps [ 0.0000 through 34000.0000 ps ], 7 data sets
All statistics are over 340001 points

Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
Box-X                       7.50201    9.8e-05 0.00707842 7.87623e-05  (nm)
Box-Y                       7.50201    9.8e-05 0.00707842 7.87623e-05  (nm)
Box-Z                       5.30473    6.9e-05  0.0050052 5.56943e-05  (nm)
Volume                      298.552      0.012   0.845082 0.00943589  (nm^3)
Box-Vel-XX               2.1668e-06    4.2e-06  0.0198765 5.37524e-06
Box-Vel-YY               2.1668e-06    4.2e-06  0.0198765 5.37524e-06
Box-Vel-ZZ               1.53216e-06      3e-06  0.0140548 3.80088e-06

Berendsen barostat box dimension

Statistics over 23635301 steps [ 0.0000 through 47270.6000 ps ], 4 data sets
All statistics are over 236354 points

Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
Box-X                       7.50095    6.6e-05 0.00283236 0.000361638  (nm)
Box-Y                       7.50095    6.6e-05 0.00283236 0.000361638  (nm)
Box-Z                       5.30398    4.7e-05 0.00200278 0.000255718  (nm)
Volume                      298.424     0.0079   0.338058  0.0431648  (nm^3)

I guess the volume can't get more stable.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Johnny Lu <johnny.lu128 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I also ran another NPT simulation with Berendsen barostat, after those 300
> ns of NPT with Parrinello-Rahman barostat. So the two simulations in these
> two emails have the same starting point.
> This simulation uses 2 fs time step, while the one above use 1 fs time
> step.
> Below is the pressure tensor extracted with g_energy of mixed precision
> gromacs 4.6.7.
> Last energy frame read 236353 time 47270.602
> Statistics over 23635301 steps [ 0.0000 through 47270.6000 ps ], 9 data
> sets
> All statistics are over 236354 points
> Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pres-XX                     1.00041       0.72    212.365    1.26091  (bar)
> Pres-XY                  -0.0733808       0.39    138.148   -1.94821  (bar)
> Pres-XZ                  -0.0559881       0.23    138.047   0.135325  (bar)
> Pres-YX                  -0.0785166       0.39    138.148   -1.99506  (bar)
> Pres-YY                     1.52045       0.42     212.52     0.2362  (bar)
> Pres-YZ                    0.142665        0.6    137.845     -1.995  (bar)
> Pres-ZX                  -0.0616126       0.23    138.045   0.141702  (bar)
> Pres-ZY                    0.135693        0.6    137.843   -1.95285  (bar)
> Pres-ZZ                    0.821679       0.59    212.735    3.79446  (bar)
> The shear part of the pressure tensor is smaller. But the normal part
> (XX,YY, and ZZ) are still different.
> The XX part of the pressure tensor in both simulations are very close to 1
> bar, the target pressure, while the YY and ZZ part are not as close to 1
> bar.
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Johnny Lu <johnny.lu128 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi. The following seems a bit strange to me. It was extracted from the
>> edr file with g_energy of mixed precision gromacs 4.6.7.
>> Statistics over 31921501 steps [ 0.0000 through 31921.5000 ps ], 9 data
>> sets
>> All statistics are over 319216 points
>> Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Pres-XX                     1.00863       0.23    222.874 0.00505598
>> (bar)
>> Pres-XY                   -0.218743       0.33    138.143    2.17256
>> (bar)
>> Pres-XZ                   -0.233072       0.33    137.629    1.36597
>> (bar)
>> Pres-YX                   -0.262129       0.32    138.137    2.12662
>> (bar)
>> Pres-YY                    0.788658       0.23     225.34   0.928867
>> (bar)
>> Pres-YZ                  -0.0207522       0.23    138.913    1.08012
>> (bar)
>> Pres-ZX                   -0.276173       0.33    137.619    1.40069
>> (bar)
>> Pres-ZY                   -0.098337       0.23    138.913    1.14865
>> (bar)
>> Pres-ZZ                     0.60576       0.38    222.687  -0.259413
>> (bar)
>> I don't know the meaning of Pres-XX. But I guess it means the pressure at
>> some direction (some kind of tensor.).
>> Why the pressure at XX direction is different from other direction?
>> I thought Pres-XX should be same as Pres-YY and Pres-ZZ.
>> The box is a truncated dodecahedron, the barostat was set to 1 bar, and
>> the simulation was ran with mixed precision gromacs 4.6.7 with Parrinello-Rahman
>> barostat for NPT simulation of about 300 ns before this stretch of NPT
>> simulation.
>> Thank you again.

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