[gmx-users] Time averaged ramachandran plot

Tsjerk Wassenaar tsjerkw at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 13:39:23 CET 2014

Hey :)

That should use circ.awk:

  x1 += sin($1)
  x2 += cos($1)
  m = atan2(x1,x2)
  print "Number of points = " NR
  print "Circular Mean = " m

Otherwise, the mean of 180 and -180 gives you a 0 angle.



On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 11:11 AM, andrea <andrea.spitaleri at iit.it> wrote:

> replace with this:
> `grep -v '^#\|^@' rama.xvg | grep "ALA1" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -f
> std.awk
> On 27/10/2014 11:04, andrea wrote:
>> Hi,
>> on the fly try this using ALA1 as example (it can be any of your
>> residues):
>> `grep -v '^#\|^@' rama.xvg | grep "ALA1" | awk '{if($2 == 0) print $2}' |
>> awk -f std.awk
>> where std.awk contains:
>> {
>>   x1 += $1
>>   x2 += $1*$1
>> }
>> END {
>>   x1 = x1/NR
>>   x2 = x2/NR
>>   sigma = sqrt(x2 - x1*x1)
>>   if (NR > 1) std_err = sigma/sqrt(NR -1)
>>   print "Number of points = " NR
>>   print "Mean = " x1
>>   print "Standard Deviation = " sigma
>>   print "Standard Error = " std_err
>> }
>> hope it helps
>> and
>> On 27/10/2014 01:21, Justin Lemkul wrote:
>>> On 10/26/14 5:14 PM, Sanku M wrote:
>>>> Hi  I plan to plot the ramachandran plot of all the dihedral angles
>>>> each of which is averaged over time-frames of trajectories. But, I find
>>>> g_rama or g_chi gives the time profile of ramachandran plot. But, if I want
>>>> to plot the time-averaged Phi.Psi angles of all residues, is there any
>>>> method to do it.ThanksSanku
>>> It's a process than can easily be written in any scripting language you
>>> like. You have all the data points, and you want an average.  Just
>>> post-process the output file with whatever kind of script (Perl, Python,
>>> etc) you like.
>>> -Justin
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Andrea Spitaleri PhD
> Principal Investigator AIRC
> D3 - Drug Discovery & Development
> Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
> Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova
> cell: +39 3485188790
> http://www.iit.it/en/d3-people/andrea-spitaleri.html
> ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3012-3557
> --
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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.

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