[gmx-users] amber force field ff12SB and ff14SB for gromacs uploaded

Man Hoang Viet mhviet at ifpan.edu.pl
Mon Dec 14 04:56:39 CET 2015

Dear gromacs users,

The amber force fields, ff12SB abd ff14SB, for gromacs were uploaded. From
my side, I may confirm the accuracy of my converting for every atoms,
bonds, angels, impropers and diherals parameters, but it will be much
better if some ones can double check it (I will provide my codes, strategy
and explanation of the converting for gromacs users who really want to do
the checking work). Please note that the parameters of ions (such as Na+,
Mg+ ...) will be differences in the different water models. Here, the ion
parameters are for TIP3P water model. Therefore you will need edit ion
parameters if you wan to use ions in other water models.

Yours sincerely,

Viet Man
Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Physics Department, NCSU

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