[gmx-users] amber force fields, ff12SB abd ff14SB gromacs implementation: amino testing

Man Hoang Viet mhviet at ifpan.edu.pl
Wed Dec 23 15:46:39 CET 2015

Dear Gromacs users,

I have done the amber force fields, ff12SB and ff14SB implementation test.
This test just do for amino, I will try to do it on nucleic. The test also
performed for amber ff99SB which was already implement and used widely.
Please check:
 http://www.gromacs.org/@api/deki/files/250/=ffA2G_test.pdf for testing
report and
is the testing data set.

I also replaced two new file amber12sb.ff.tar.gz and amber14sb.ff.tar.gz
by the new ones which were correct Makefile.*

Yours sincerely,
Viet Man

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