[gmx-users] apparent shear rate vs. shear stress using cos_acceleration function in Gromacs

Subas Dhakal sdhakalsnu at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 05:44:08 CEST 2015

Dear Gromacs users,

I am trying to simulate a  polymer system  under shear condition using
cos_acceleration  function in Gromacs. The streaming velocity is in
x-direction and the gradient is in the z direction. Is there a way that I
can output apparent shear rate vs.  shear stress directly rather than

(1) By apparent shear rate, I mean the velocity profile in the z
direction--that would enable to calculate the shear rates.

(2) Should I take the pressure component (Pxz) as the shear stress or there
is something else?

Thank you in advance,


Subas Dhakal
Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244

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