[gmx-users] Converting Amber frcmod and mol2 files to Gromacs

Michael Shirts mrshirts at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 19:54:31 CEST 2015

ParmEd (http://parmed.github.io/ParmEd/html/index.html) is an
interesting new tool that can help automate such conversions so they
don't need to be done as manually in the future.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Simon Dürr <simon.duerr at uni-konstanz.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> we had the pleasure to convert the *.mol2 and *.frcmod for the HEME
> and CYP prosthetic groups from the following paper  for use with
> Shahrokh, K., Orendt, A., Yost, G. S. and Cheatham, T. E. (2012),
> Quantum mechanically derived AMBER-compatible heme parameters for
> various states of the cytochrome P450 catalytic cycle. J. Comput.
> Chem., 33: 119–133. doi: 10.1002/jcc.21922
> As the protocol for doing so is rather lengthy we want to share our
> protocol with you guys.
> If you can spare some time we would be grateful If some of you could
> check our procedure.
> If you find any errors let us know. However so far the trajectories
> look good (angles and bond distances are good).
> After further testing of the trajectories we want to release the
> rtp/hdb/itp - files.
> Where would be the best way to upload them?
> The Protocol is as follows:
> #################################
> ##              Table of Contents                ##
> #################################
> Part 1: RTP-file
> Part 2: ffbondend-file
> Part 3: ffnonbonded
> Part 4: residuetypes.dat
> Part 5: specbond.dat
> Part 6: hdb-file
> Part 7: atomtypes.atp
> ##########################
> ##              PART 1                 ##
> ##########################
> #####  BEGIN RTP-File #######
> [ HEME ]
>  [ atoms]
>      NC   ncr           0.00660     1
>    C1C   ccr          -0.01920     2
>    C4C   ccr          -0.01930     3
>    C2C   ccr           0.01140     4
>    C3C   ccr          -0.03570     5
>> [ bonds ]
>     NC   C1C
>     NC   C4C
>     NC    FE
>    […]
> ###### END RTP-FILE #####
> The information to fill this file is found in the HEM.mol2 file.
> ###### HEM.mol2 ######
>   1 NC  2.946000   -0.972000   -0.732000 nc     1 HEM  0.0066 ****
>   2 C1C 4.282000   -0.756000   -0.518000 cc     1 HEM -0.0192 ****
>   4 C2C 5.025000   -1.989000   -0.700000 cc     1 HEM  0.0114 ****
>   5 C3C 4.097000   -2.957000   -1.046000 cc     1 HEM -0.0357 ****
>   […]
>     1     1     2 1
>     2     1     3 1
>     3     1    28 1
> ###### END HEM.mol2 #####
> To convert to Gromacs
> 1. take the uppercase name in column 2 of the mol2 which is the name
> found in the PDB input file and put it in column 1 of the [atoms]
> section of the .rtp
> 2. Add the lowercase identifier for GAFF (column 6 in the mol2 ) to
> the second column of the atoms section.
> 3. As we don't want to overwrite any of the normal definitions from
> AMBER99SB-ILDN with GAFF definitions we use a unique name for the GAFF
> atoms. Here we just added "r" at the end of each atom name.
> 4. Add the column 6 of the mol2 with the charge as third column to the
> atoms section
> 5 Group  the atoms to charge groups in the fourth column of the
> [atoms]-section. We put every atom in a new group.
> Look at the bonds section in the mol2:
> The first column is the index of the bond, the second column is the id
> of the first atom of the bond, the third column the id of the second
> atom of the bond. The last is the bond type (single or double bond)
> 7.Take the id of the first atom and replace it with the uppercase
> identifier from the  ATOM section of the mol2. Do the same for the id
> of the second atom.
> The columns 1,3,4,5,7 and 8 in the ATOM section are not relevant for Gromacs.
> ##########################
> ##              PART 2                 ##
> ##########################
> ##### BEGIN FFBONDED.ITP #####
> [ bondtypes ]
> ; i    j  func       b0          kb
>  fer ncr        1        0.2       83680 ; IC6.frcmod
> [..]
> [ angletypes ]
>  ;  i    j    k  func       th0       cth
>  ncr fer ndr           1     85.521     1104.576 ; IC6.frcmod
> [..]
>  [ dihedraltypes ]
>  ;i  j   k  l    func  phase    kd          pn
>  X   SH  fer X   9     180.0    37.65600    2 ; IC6.frcmod
> [..]
> [ dihedraltypes ]
>  X   orr crr orr 4     180.0    4.60240     2 ; GAFF.dat improper
> #### END FFBONDED.ITP #####
> The information for this file can be found in the IC6.frcmod file OR
> in the gaff.dat
> #### IC6.frcmod #####
> fe-nc 100.000   2.000
> [..]
> nc-fe-nd  132.000  85.521 # average angle
> [..]
> X -SH-fe-X   1     9.000     180.000       2.000
> [..]
> fe 1.8 0.01 1.0
> #### END IC6.frcmod ####
> #### BEGIN GAFF.dat ###
> […]
> X -c -c -X    4    1.200       180.000           2.000
> X -o -c -o          1.1           180.                 2.     JCC,7,(1986),230
> #### END GAFF.dat #####
> To convert to Gromacs
> 1. Add the bonds section:
>      a) Copy the two names of the atoms of the bond. Rename to new
> identifier and separate by a single space.
>      b) Set func to 1 (single bond)
>      c) Convert the b0 value from the Amber b0 value(in angstroms) as follows
>         b0(Gro) = b0(amber) / 10  =  [nm]
>      d) Convert the kb value from the Amber kb value as follows:
>        kb(Gro) = kb(amber) /10  *2  *4.184   = [joule]
> 2. Add the Angle section
>     a) Copy the three names of the atoms of the angle. Rename to new
> identifier and separate by a single space.
>     b) Set func to 1 (single bond)
>     c) Copy the angle from amber
>     d) Calculate cth as follows
>         E(amber) = Emin/2
>         cth = E(amber) *2 * 4.184  = [joule]
> 3. Add the dihedrals.
> First add all the dihedrals specified in the frcmod. Then use
> Ambertools to generate a coordinate and topology file with the loaded
> mol2 and frcmod files but don't load the GAFF parameters. Ambertools
> will tell you which impropers and dihedrals you have to add from the
> GAFF.dat because it could not find them in the frcmod.
> For each dihedral/improper do this:
> a) Copy the 4 names of the atoms of the dihedral. Rename the GAFF
> residues to your new identifier. Don't rename X and residues in
> uppercase
> b) Set func to 9 for a dihedral, set func to 4 for improper
> c) Take the phase from the fourth column of the Amber file
> d) Calculate the kd value:
>     For dihedral (IDIVF is the second column in the Amber file)
>     kd(gro) = PK(amber) * 4.184 / IDIVF(amber)  = [joule]
>     For impropers (IDIVF is not set)
>     kd(gro) = PK(amber) *4.184 = [joule]
> d) Copy the pn value from the fifth column of the Amber file
> ##########################
> ##              PART 3                 ##
> ##########################
> #### BEGINf ffnonbonded.ITP ####
> [ atomtypes ]
> ; name      at.num  mass     charge ptype  sigma      epsilon
> ncr          7     14.01     0.0000  A   3.25000E-01  7.11280E-01 ; GAFF.dat
> ccr          6     12.01     0.0000  A   3.39967E-01  3.59824E-01 ; GAFF.dat
> [...]
> #### END ffnonbonded.ITP ####
> #### BEGIN Mol.2 ####
>   1 NC          2.946000   -0.972000   -0.732000 nc     1 HEM        0.0066 ****
>   2 C1C         4.282000   -0.756000   -0.518000 cc     1 HEM       -0.0192 ****
> #### END Mol2 ####
> #### BEGIN GAFF.dat ####
> MOD4      RE
>   cc          1.9080  0.0860             OPLS
> #### END GAFF.dat
> To convert to Gromacs:
> a) Copy the lowercase name of the atom in column six from the mol2 and
> rename to your new unique identifier.
> b) Set atomic number from the periodic table. Easy ;)
> c) Set mass from the periodic table or just copy it from other
> definitions in this file from the same element
> d) Set Charge  to 0.000 which is the default value in Amber in Gromacs
>  in this file.
> e) Set ptype to A
> f) Calculate sigma from the Rmin/2 value (second column in Gaff.dat
> MOD4 section)
>     sigma = Rmin(amber) *  1/(2^(1/6))  *2 * 1/10
> g) Calculate Epsilon from the Epsilon value of Amber (third column in
> Gaff.dat MOD4 section)
>      epsilon = epsilon(amber) *4.184 =  [joule]
> ##########################
> ##              PART 4                 ##
> ##########################
> #### BEGIN Residuetypes.dat ####
> GLY        Protein
> HEME        Protein
> [..]
> #### END residuetypes.dat ####
> Add your new resname with the PDB Name here and assign it to the right group.
> ##########################
> ##              PART 5                 ##
> ##########################
> #### BEGIN specbond.dat ####
> [..]
> resA atomA nbondsA resB    atomB nbondsB length newresA newresB
> CYS  SG       1           HEM         FE        2           0.2    CYP
>          HEME
> [..]
> #### END specbond.dat
> Rename special residues like the CYS connected to the heme iron.
> Gromacs detects what it has to rename by the bond length which is the
> parameter in column 7 (in nanometers).
> For each of your residues you need a line here.
> ##########################
> ##              PART 6                 ##
> ##########################
> #### BEGIN HDB-File ####
> HEME 16
> ;nH  type  Name C-Atom   Controlatoms
> 1        1        HHD        CHD           C1D        C4C
> 1        1        HAC        CAC           C3C        CBC
> 2        3        HBC        CBC           CAC        C3C
> 3        4        HMC        CMC          C2C        C1C
> [...]
> #### END HDB FIle #####
> There is no equivalent for this file in Amber.  Just open the PDB file
> for your residue in a viewer(like UCSF Chimera)  and let it display
> the atom names. What you now have to do is to add each hydrogen bond
> to its C atom and specify two control atoms.
> The index after the residue name(HEME 16) is the number of times a new
> hydrogen is defined.
> For each C atom you now have to add the hydrogens.
> Type can either be:
> 1: Planar hydrogens
> 2: single hydrogen
> 3: two planar hydrogens -CR=CH2
> 4: two or three tetrahedral hydrogens
> Others see: Gromacs Manual , chapter 5.6.4
> ##########################
> ##             PART 7                  ##
> ##########################
> ncr    14.01000 ; GAFF.dat Sp2 N in non-pure aromatic systems
> ccr    12.01000 ; GAFF.dat Sp2 carbons in non-pure aromatic systems
> cgr    12.01000 ; GAFF.dat Inner Sp carbons in conjugated systems
> Add the same mass for the new atomtypes from the ffbonded.itp
> #### END atomtypes.atp ####
> ##########################
> ##             Finalization             ##
> ##########################
> After having done all this make a new folder in the Gromacs share
> folder to add your new FF as a duplicate of the old one with the new
> additions added.
> Closely examine the Gromacs log for errors or warnings.
> --
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