[gmx-users] warning:Long Bond
Saleheh Heidari
sl.heidari at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 18:09:08 CET 2017
Dear Gromacs Users
I am trying to run a molecular dynamics simulation with a DNA tetrahedron.
I am using Gromacs-2016.4 having the forcefield AMBER99SB-ILDN.
The topology file has been successfully generated.
However I am concerned with the following comment in the output of pdb2gmx,
these are the gromacs output for the first chain:
There are 4 chains and 0 blocks of water and 220 residues with 4497 atoms
chain #res #atoms
1 'A' 55 1119
2 'B' 55 1133
3 'C' 55 1123
4 'D' 55 1122
All occupancies are one
Opening force field file
Atomtype 67
Reading residue database... (amber99sb-ildn)
Opening force field file
Residue 93
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file
Residue 109
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file
Residue 125
Sorting it all out...
Opening force field file
Opening force field file
Opening force field file
Opening force field file
Opening force field file
Processing chain 1 'A' (1119 atoms, 55 residues)
Identified residue DT51 as a starting terminus.
Identified residue DT355 as a ending terminus.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Opening force field file
Opening force field file
Opening force field file
Checking for duplicate atoms....
Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
Now there are 55 residues with 1747 atoms
Chain time...
Making bonds...
Warning: Long Bond (30-31 = 0.277244 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (62-63 = 0.306978 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (92-93 = 0.350789 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (124-125 = 0.320527 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (157-158 = 0.340453 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (189-190 = 0.273576 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (219-220 = 0.268338 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (251-252 = 0.277104 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (283-284 = 0.360828 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (315-316 = 0.320431 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (348-349 = 0.329925 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (381-382 = 0.334705 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (413-414 = 0.330311 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (477-478 = 0.354473 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (510-511 = 0.254489 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (542-543 = 0.659257 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (574-575 = 0.331438 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (606-607 = 0.757552 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (638-639 = 0.277172 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (670-671 = 0.307023 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (700-701 = 0.296372 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (730-731 = 0.296309 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (760-761 = 0.350757 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (792-793 = 0.273076 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (822-823 = 0.344508 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (855-856 = 0.25441 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (887-888 = 0.360906 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (919-920 = 0.320435 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (952-953 = 0.254546 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (984-985 = 0.35455 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1017-1018 = 0.254603 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1049-1050 = 0.307071 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1079-1080 = 0.344648 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1112-1113 = 0.254605 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1144-1145 = 0.611147 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1208-1209 = 0.514416 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1241-1242 = 0.254576 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1273-1274 = 0.360751 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1337-1338 = 0.277311 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1369-1370 = 0.354457 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1402-1403 = 0.329893 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1435-1436 = 0.334784 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1467-1468 = 0.273162 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1497-1498 = 0.29643 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1527-1528 = 0.296213 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1557-1558 = 0.268429 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1589-1590 = 0.307397 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1619-1620 = 0.344558 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1652-1653 = 0.281585 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1682-1683 = 0.350724 nm)
Number of bonds was 1878, now 1878
Generating angles, dihedrals and pairs...
Before cleaning: 4579 pairs
Before cleaning: 4964 dihedrals
Keeping all generated dihedrals
Making cmap torsions...
There are 4964 dihedrals, 320 impropers, 3423 angles
4414 pairs, 1878 bonds and 0 virtual sites
Total mass 16824.664 a.m.u.
Total charge -54.000 e
Writing topology
I would like to know the reason behind the Long Bond warnings, should I be
concerned and Is there any way to fix these?
I generated my pdb file with NanoEngineer-1 software by Loomis Laboratory
of Physics at UIUC (http://bionano.physics.illinios.edu)
Best ,
Saleheh Heydari
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