[gmx-users] Re: solution molecules cannot be set by mdrun after neutralization

XAvier Periole x.periole at rug.nl
Mon Jun 1 13:23:00 CEST 2009

On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:12 PM, Stefano Meliga wrote:

> Hi again,
> The energy minimization with conjugate gradient integrator still  
> gives me two warnings of the type:
> t = 0.011 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 28122 can not be  
> settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> My command lines are:
> $grxdir/grompp -f 4AKEpreEMcg.mdp -po 4AKE_EMcg.mdp -c  
> 4AKE_EMsteep.gro -p 4AKEallHion.top -pp 4AKEpreEMsteep.top -o  
> 4AKE_EMcg.tpr
> $grxdir/mdrun -s 4AKE_EMcg.tpr -o 4AKE_EMcg.trr -c 4AKE_EMcg.gro -e  
> 4AKE_EMcg.edr -g 4AKE_EMcg.log -v
> This is my mdp file 4AKEpreEMcg.mdp:
> title               =  4AKE_EMcg
> cpp                 =  /usr/bin/cpp
> define              =  -DFLEXIBLE
> constraints         =  none
> integrator          =  cg
> nsteps              =  1500
> nstlist             =  50
change that to 1

if it does not get better it means that your system is build in such a  
way that you have bad contacts
that the minimization can not remove. You have to check where there  
are and do something about it.
> ns_type             =  grid
> rlist               =  1.0
> rcoulomb            =  1.0
> rvdw                =  1.0
> ;
> ;       Energy minimizing stuff
> ;
> emtol               =  1.0
> emstep              =  0.01
> The minimization is successful but I don't see the meaning of this  
> timestep.
> Thanks,
> Stefano.
> Justin A. Lemkul ha scritto:
>> Stefano Meliga wrote:
>>> My integrator is "steep", which should perform EM.
>>> This is my mdp file:
>>> title               =  4AKE_PREMsteep
>>> cpp                 =  /usr/bin/cpp
>>> define              =  -DFLEXIBLE
>>> constraints         =  all-bonds
>>> integrator          =  steep
>>> nsteps              =  500
>>> nstlist             =  10
>>> ns_type             =  grid
>>> rlist               =  1.0
>>> rcoulomb            =  1.0
>>> rvdw                =  1.0
>>> DispCorr = no
>>> ;
>>> ;       Energy minimizing stuff
>>> ;
>>> emtol               =  1.0
>>> emstep              =  0.01
>>> I learnt from the tutorials (s-peptide) that in order to do a  
>>> position restrained MD the I have to set the constraints (all- 
>>> bonds in this case).
>>> Is that incorrect? Is it valid for EM as well?
>> Position restraints != bond contraints.  Using "constraints = all- 
>> bonds" will constrain the bond lengths, but not restrain the  
>> positions of the atoms.
>> If you want to do position-restrained MD, you have to "define = - 
>> DPOSRES" (according to the #ifdef POSRES block in the topology,  
>> assuming you made one automatically from pdb2gmx).  Using position  
>> restraints in EM doesn't serve much of a purpose in my mind, unless  
>> you really need to preserve the exact initial configuration; it may  
>> in fact prevent your system from converging if some bad geometry is  
>> being held in place.
>> -Justin
>>> Thank you for your advice,
>>> Stefano.
>>> Mark Abraham ha scritto:
>>>> Stefano Meliga wrote:
>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>> I've tryed to perform the same preprocessing and EM steps  
>>>>> without distance constraints and the situation improves a lot.
>>>>> I get no warnings in the steepest descent EM and only one  
>>>>> molecule cannot be set in the conjugate gradient EM.
>>>>> Can you see the reason?
>>>> Yes. You're not doing EM. "t = 0.011 ps:" is a big clue. Choose  
>>>> your integrator in your .mdp file better.
>>>> Also, as Justin suggests, please be careful with the constraint/ 
>>>> restraint terminology.
>>>> Mark
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Stefano.
>>>>> Stefano Meliga ha scritto:
>>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>>> I neutralized my system with the commands:
>>>>>> $grxdir/grompp -f dummy.mdp -po dummyout.mdp -c 4AKEallHsol.gro  
>>>>>> -p
>>>>>> 4AKEallH.top -pp 4AKEallHsol_pre.top -o 4AKEallHsol.tpr
>>>>>> $grxdir/genion -s 4AKEallHsol.tpr -o 4AKEallHion.gro -p
>>>>>> 4AKEallHsol_pre.top -np 4 -pname NA+ -g -pot 4AKEallHion.pdb - 
>>>>>> nname
>>>>>> CL-
>>>>>> (adding the atoms to the solution SOL)
>>>>>> I renamed the files to keep track of the different topology  
>>>>>> files:
>>>>>> mv 4AKEallHsol_pre.top 4AKEallHion.top
>>>>>> mv "#4AKEallHsol_pre.top.1#" 4AKEallHsol_pre.top
>>>>>> I run an all-bonds position restraint steepest descent EM:
>>>>>> $grxdir/grompp -f 4AKEprePREMsteep.mdp -po 4AKE_PREMsteep.mdp -c
>>>>>> 4AKEallHion.gro -p 4AKEallHion.top -pp 4AKEallHion_out.top -o
>>>>>> 4AKEallHion.tpr
>>>>>> $grxdir/mdrun -s 4AKEallHion.tpr -o 4AKE_PREMsteep.trr -c
>>>>>> 4AKE_PREMsteep.gro -e 4AKE_PREMsteep.edr -g 4AKE_PREMsteep.log -v
>>>>>> mdrun exits successfully but displays the warning:
>>>>>> t = 0.011 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 17223 can not be  
>>>>>> settled.
>>>>>> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
>>>>>> In the gro file atom 17223 is an oxigen of the solution
>>>>>> Going further with my simulation i run a all-bonds position  
>>>>>> restrained
>>>>>> conjugate gradient EM:
>>>>>> $grxdir/grompp -f 4AKEprePREMcg.mdp -po 4AKE_PREMcg.mdp -c
>>>>>> 4AKE_PREMsteep.gro -p 4AKEallHion_out.top -pp  
>>>>>> 4AKEallH_PREMsteep.top
>>>>>> -o 4AKEallH_PREMsteep.tpr
>>>>>> $grxdir/mdrun -s 4AKEallH_PREMsteep.tpr -o 4AKE_PREMcg.trr -c
>>>>>> 4AKE_PREMcg.gro -e 4AKE_PREMcg.edr -g 4AKE_PREMcg.log -v
>>>>>> but get the fatal error:
>>>>>> Source code file: constr.c, line: 136
>>>>>> Fatal error:
>>>>>> Too many LINCS warnings (2200)
>>>>>> And some of this warnings are again solution's molecules that  
>>>>>> cannot be set.
>>>>>> May the problem be related to the ions added to neutralise the  
>>>>>> system?
>>>>>> mdrun was not showing this problem with the non-neutral system in
>>>>>> input.
>>>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>>>> Stefano
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