[gmx-users] Is there ff12sb equivalent of gbsa_ff99sb.itp?
Richard Smith
res50 at cam.ac.uk
Mon May 19 15:01:09 CEST 2014
Hi gmx-users,
Is there ff12sb equivalent of gbsa_ff99sb.itp. Or an easy way to create
To run an implicit solvent minimisation on 2yp7.pdb using the ff12sb
force field.
Current Process is :
(1) Use amber12/bin/tleap to Amber inpcrd and prmtop files
(2) Use acpype to create GMX.gro and GMX.top files
(3) copy $PATH/gromacs/top/amber99sb.ff/gbsa.itp to current directory
(4) add "#include "./gbsa_ff99sb.itp" " to the .top file
(5) run a generic conjugate gradient minimisation. No ligands or ions
are present
Running the same process ,but using the ff99sb force field the process
With the ff12sb I get the below error message.
GB parameter(s) missing or negative for atom type 'CX'
GB parameter(s) missing or negative for atom type 'CO'
Program grompp, VERSION 4.6.5
I understand adding parameters for CX and CO to the .itp file will
eliminate this
I am just unable:
to establish if any significant GBSA parameters have changed between
ff99 and ff12
and if not
where I can find the appropriate Gromacs parameters that should be
used for
'CO' and 'CX' atom types ( and any other atom types used in ff1sb and
not in ff99sb).
Richard Smith
Research Associate
Department of Zoology
Centre for Pathogen Evoluton
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
Cambridge CB2 3EJ
Tel.: +44 (0)1223 330933
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