[gmx-users] Pres-XX and Pres-YY difference
Johnny Lu
johnny.lu128 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 16:03:29 CEST 2014
Hi. The following seems a bit strange to me. It was extracted from the edr
file with g_energy of mixed precision gromacs 4.6.7.
Statistics over 31921501 steps [ 0.0000 through 31921.5000 ps ], 9 data sets
All statistics are over 319216 points
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Pres-XX 1.00863 0.23 222.874 0.00505598 (bar)
Pres-XY -0.218743 0.33 138.143 2.17256 (bar)
Pres-XZ -0.233072 0.33 137.629 1.36597 (bar)
Pres-YX -0.262129 0.32 138.137 2.12662 (bar)
Pres-YY 0.788658 0.23 225.34 0.928867 (bar)
Pres-YZ -0.0207522 0.23 138.913 1.08012 (bar)
Pres-ZX -0.276173 0.33 137.619 1.40069 (bar)
Pres-ZY -0.098337 0.23 138.913 1.14865 (bar)
Pres-ZZ 0.60576 0.38 222.687 -0.259413 (bar)
I don't know the meaning of Pres-XX. But I guess it means the pressure at
some direction (some kind of tensor.).
Why the pressure at XX direction is different from other direction?
I thought Pres-XX should be same as Pres-YY and Pres-ZZ.
The box is a truncated dodecahedron, the barostat was set to 1 bar, and the
simulation was ran with mixed precision gromacs 4.6.7 with Parrinello-Rahman
barostat for NPT simulation of about 300 ns before this stretch of NPT
Thank you again.
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