[gmx-users] trjconv gets stuck on frame

Eric Smoll ericsmoll at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 19:59:10 CET 2014

Hello Gromacs users,

I have a trajectory file script18_o.trr that I am trying to process. Using
gmxcheck, this file appears to be complete. When I execute the command below

trjconv -f ../script18/script18_o.trr -s ../script17/script17_o.tpr -o
tmp1.trr -pbc whole << EOF

the code moves quickly through the first few hundred frames only to
consistently get stuck on frame 300...

trn version: GMX_trn_file (single precision)
 ->  frame    320 time  128.000        ->  frame    300 time  120.000

How do I troubleshoot the problem?


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