[gmx-users] topology

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Wed Mar 1 20:33:05 CET 2017

On 3/1/17 2:19 PM, RAHUL SURESH wrote:
> Dear Justin
> What is the error here?
> I don't understand it.
> Can you be little more precise?

The long and short of it TopolGen is very crudely coded and atom order matters 
because the script makes a lot of assumptions.  Your input PDB file has atoms 
grouped by element (O,O,C,C,C,C,H...) so TopolGen can't figure out what any of 
the actual functional groups are, so you get basically default atom types for 


> On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>> On 2/28/17 3:24 AM, RAHUL SURESH wrote:
>>> This is my itp file(only a part)
>>> I have highlighted two errors.. there are 19 such errors.
>>> If I can know the reason for the error exactly it would be of a great help
>>> to me.
>> TopolGen relies on atom ordering to guess what the proper parameters
>> should be. It's pretty limited in what it can do.  A coordinate file that
>> simply groups atoms by element is going to produce a totally garbage
>> topology, unfortunately.
>> -Justin
>>> [ atoms ]
>>> ;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass
>>> typeB    chargeB      massB
>>>      1   opls_154      1    UNK      O      0     -0.580921
>>> 15.99940
>>>      2   opls_154      1    UNK      O      0     -0.635654
>>> 15.99940
>>>      3   opls_516      1    UNK      C      1     -0.112257
>>> 12.01100
>>>      4   opls_516      1    UNK      C      2     -0.163224
>>> 12.01100
>>>      5   opls_516      1    UNK      C      3      0.228741
>>> 12.01100
>>>      6   opls_516      1    UNK      C      4     -0.304756
>>> 12.01100
>>>      7   opls_516      1    UNK      C      5     -0.312217
>>> 12.01100
>>>      8   opls_145      1    UNK      C      6      0.120569
>>> 12.01100
>>>      9   opls_145      1    UNK      C      7      0.151897
>>> 12.01100
>>>     10   opls_145      1    UNK      C      8      0.231044
>>> 12.01100
>>>     11   opls_516      1    UNK      C      9     -0.401751
>>> 12.01100
>>>     12   opls_516      1    UNK      C     10     -0.403094
>>> 12.01100
>>>     13   opls_145      1    UNK      C     11     -0.150352
>>> 12.01100
>>>     14   opls_145      1    UNK      C     12      0.193129
>>> 12.01100
>>>     15   opls_145      1    UNK      C     13     -0.161115
>>> 12.01100
>>>     16   opls_516      1    UNK      C     14     -0.471874
>>> 12.01100
>>>     17   opls_145      1    UNK      C     15      0.100725
>>> 12.01100
>>>     18   opls_145      1    UNK      C     16     -0.153943
>>> 12.01100
>>>     19   opls_516      1    UNK      C     17     -0.330577
>>> 12.01100
>>>     20   opls_516      1    UNK      C     18     -0.229875
>>> 12.01100
>>>     21   opls_135      1    UNK      C     19     -0.229884
>>> 12.01100
>>>     22   opls_135      1    UNK      C     20     -0.237230
>>> 12.01100
>>>     23   opls_135      1    UNK      C     21     -0.404861
>>> 12.01100
>>>     24   opls_140      1    UNK      H     21      0.135257
>>> 1.00800
>>>     25   opls_140      1    UNK      H     21      0.154010
>>> 1.00800
>>>     26   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.142643
>>> 1.00800
>>>     27   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.133623
>>> 1.00800
>>>     28   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.137323
>>> 1.00800
>>>     29   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.167475
>>> 1.00800
>>>     30   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.135348
>>> 1.00800
>>>     31   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.153851
>>> 1.00800
>>>     32   opls_140      1    UNK     3H     21      0.138487
>>> 1.00800
>>>     33   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.137087
>>> 1.00800
>>>     34   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.146500
>>> 1.00800
>>>     35   opls_140      1    UNK     3H     21      0.148972
>>> 1.00800
>>>     36   opls_140      1    UNK      H     21      0.103605
>>> 1.00800
>>>     37   opls_140      1    UNK      H     21      0.127061
>>> 1.00800
>>>     38   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.143100
>>> 1.00800
>>>     39   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.137525
>>> 1.00800
>>>     40   opls_140      1    UNK     3H     21      0.140672
>>> 1.00800
>>>     41   opls_140      1    UNK      H     21      0.106416
>>> 1.00800
>>>     42   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.134610
>>> 1.00800
>>>     43   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.126890
>>> 1.00800
>>>     44   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.132690
>>> 1.00800
>>>     45   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.124796
>>> 1.00800
>>>     46   opls_140      1    UNK      H     21      0.371894
>>> 1.00800
>>>     47   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.120642
>>> 1.00800
>>>     48   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.117792
>>> 1.00800
>>>     49   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.125342
>>> 1.00800
>>>     50   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.122930
>>> 1.00800
>>>     51   opls_140      1    UNK     1H     21      0.130012
>>> 1.00800
>>>     52   opls_140      1    UNK     2H     21      0.129674
>>> 1.00800
>>>     53   opls_140      1    UNK     3H     21      0.131255
>>> 1.00800
>>> [ bonds ]
>>> ;  ai    aj funct
>>>     1     5     1    ;     O     C
>>>     1    10     1    ;     O     C
>>>     2    14     1    ;     O     C
>>>     *2    46     1    ;     O     H*
>>>     3     4     1    ;     C     C
>>>     3     5     1    ;     C     C
>>>     3     6     1    ;     C     C
>>>     3    24     1    ;     C     H
>>>     4     7     1    ;     C     C
>>>     4     8     1    ;     C     C
>>>     4    25     1    ;     C     H
>>>     5    11     1    ;     C     C
>>>     5    12     1    ;     C     C
>>>     6    13     1    ;     C     C
>>>     6    26     1    ;     C    2H
>>>     6    27     1    ;     C    1H
>>>     7     9     1    ;     C     C
>>>     7    28     1    ;     C    2H
>>>     7    29     1    ;     C    1H
>>>     8    10     1    ;     C     C
>>>     8    14     1    ;     C     C
>>>     9    13     1    ;     C     C
>>>     9    16     1    ;     C     C
>>>    10    15     1    ;     C     C
>>>    11    30     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    11    31     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    11    32     1    ;     C    3H
>>>    12    33     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    12    34     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    12    35     1    ;     C    3H
>>>    *13    36     1    ;     C     H*
>>>    14    18     1    ;     C     C
>>>    15    17     1    ;     C     C
>>>    15    37     1    ;     C     H
>>>    16    38     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    16    39     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    16    40     1    ;     C    3H
>>>    17    18     1    ;     C     C
>>>    17    19     1    ;     C     C
>>>    18    41     1    ;     C     H
>>>    19    20     1    ;     C     C
>>>    19    42     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    19    43     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    20    21     1    ;     C     C
>>>    20    44     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    20    45     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    21    22     1    ;     C     C
>>>    21    47     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    21    48     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    22    23     1    ;     C     C
>>>    22    49     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    22    50     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    23    51     1    ;     C    1H
>>>    23    52     1    ;     C    2H
>>>    23    53     1    ;     C    3H
>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 3:57 AM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>> On 2/27/17 12:49 AM, RAHUL SURESH wrote:
>>>> I am explaining my issues regarding complex simulation.
>>>>> I have 200ns conformer(OPLS FF)
>>>>> I have generated my ligand gro and itp file.(Using topolgen1_1)
>>>>> I have edited my protein gro file and made it into complex file as per
>>>>> the
>>>>> tutorials.
>>>>> I have made changes to my topol.top file.
>>>>> Now in my command for em.mdp I am getting 19 errors stating "NO DEFAULT
>>>>> Can you guide me with this?
>>>>> This means the atom type assignment makes reference to bonded parameters
>>>> that don't exist.  That means one of two things: (1) either the atom type
>>>> assignment is incorrect, requiring manual correction (as the script warns
>>>> you, as it makes a lot of assumptions and is therefore rather dumb
>>>> sometimes) or (2) you simply have a molecule for which parameters do not
>>>> exist, requiring manual parametrization.  For OPLS-AA, this requires QM
>>>> calculations to get things like equilibrium geometries, vibrational
>>>> frequencies, and dihedral potential energy scans.
>>>> -Justin
>>>> --
>>>> ==================================================
>>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>>>> School of Pharmacy
>>>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>>>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>>>> 20 Penn St.
>>>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>>>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>>>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
>>>> ==================================================
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>> --
>> ==================================================
>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>> School of Pharmacy
>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>> 20 Penn St.
>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
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Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441


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